Meeting Notes - Dec. 4, 2014
Present: Byron Lilly, Marisa Spatafore (co-chairs); Tom Dolen, Brandon Gainer, Cecilia Hui, Sharon Luciw, Lisa Markus, Joe Moreau, Dennis Shannakian; Vanessa Smith (notes)
Approval of notes from Nov. 6, 2014
Notes were approved with no corrections.
Network update/Wireless upgrade/New phone system
Luciw said that the network equipment update is almost complete, and ETS is preparing for a new phone system. She will be sending a survey to the district seeking input for the new system. ETS expects the bid to go out at the end of Jan.
The traditional “hard” phone system will be replaced by a computer-based “soft” system. Phones will be better matched to users and functions. USB-connected headsets, wireless headsets and advanced text/email capabilities are all options being explored.
Moreau said that an all-in-one system would be the best option. Spatafore said she is looking forward to exploring text capabilities as students are moving away from email. Luciw said faculty users of the new phone system would be able to conceal personal cell phone numbers when texting students.
Moreau asked Luciw to discuss the timeline. Luciw said that ETS will publicize the bid in late January to early February. They will review proposals with an accessibility staff member in early May. If the vendor is approved by the board of trustees at its June meeting, ETS will begin implementation and deployment.
Moreau added that the core system must be set up first, which doesn’t affect end users. Staff will start using the new system after October 2015. ETS will schedule time with each department so the switch is not disruptive.
Luciw said the network team is also working on upgrading the district wireless system. In the fall, ETS will buy core equipment, wireless access points (WAPs) and ClearPass to allow once per year authentication. Students in community classes without an ID number will get a code for visitor access. Luciw added that wireless access is clearly more important in the faculty areas than in parking lots, for example, so the previous plan will need to be restructured.
Moreau said the increased wireless capability in faculty areas is important for collaboration. Luciw said the team will re-evaluate and do facilities work in buildings that need an upgrade.
Hui asked if ETS has an extra WAP for the LCW lab. Luciw said she would ask if the network engineers can spare one. Hui added that the Library swing space has better access because ETS staff found more WAPs.
Spatafore reminded committee members that Luciw’s updates should be taken to various constituency groups like Academic Senate.
OEI Update
Moreau said that his recent presentation to the California Community Colleges Board of Governors was enthusiastically received. Fifty-eight colleges applied to be pilot schools in the development of the Online Education Consortium; 24 were chosen to participate in three cohorts.
The OEI team is working with Hartnell College and a production team to produce content for the first draft of readiness modules for state use. The team has also identified LinkSys as the preferred online tutor provider. If the steering committee approves, LinkSys will provide the online tutoring platform for all 112 community colleges in the state. Markus asked how LinkSys integrates with Smarthinking, the online tutoring tool used at De Anza. Moreau said either can be used.
The RFP for a course management system has closed and is being evaluated. The team will put together a short list of vendors and set up test instances of each product. Each vendor will be invited for a daylong interview. In February, a vendor will be selected. Markus asked if each college can choose to use the system. Moreau said yes, the system is optional and the decision to use will be decided by each college or district. Markus asked if it will be easy to migrate existing content. Moreau said ease of migration was one requirement in the RFP.
All pilot colleges have submitted three to five of their best online courses to compare to the course design standards created by OEI and endorsed by the state Academic Senate. OEI is also working on reciprocity agreements among colleges to streamline and automate online courses for students.
Technology Planning
Moreau said that both colleges must update their technology plans in the next 12-24 months. New accreditation requirements are in place. Moreau suggested bringing in a consultant from the Gardner Institute to lead a district workshop on tech planning and strategic capabilities.
Luciw said ETAC would appreciate that approach. Moreau added that he does occasionally look at the Tech Plan when discussing district progress with the chancellor. Most of the goals have been accomplished, but there is movement in new directions. Markus said it would be a great idea to get everyone together.
Spatafore said there is a clear desire for a tech committee on campus, but questioned what the committee should look like. Lilly said the ETS updates are the most useful part of TTF for him. Spatafore said there is less prioritization than before, and said it’s important the TTF at each college is best serving its students. Moreau added that ETAC is also looking at its mission. They had a great retreat where they revised the mission and the expectations of members. The new mission is going before chancellor’s cabinet. Moreau stressed that now is a good time for both college technology committees to reevaluate their respective mission and purpose.