Meeting Notes - November 4, 2009
2:30-3:45 p.m.
ADM 109
1) Approve Notes May 20, 2009 & October 21, 2009
The notes were approved.
2) Tech Task Force Vision & Plan and Accreditation Standards
Chenoweth opened the agenda item by explaining that the team should set the goals for the 09-10 year. He reviewed the reason for setting up a Technology Plan and displayed the recommendation from the accreditation addendum. "The team recommends that the college develop a technology plan, designed to support student learning programs and improve institutional effectiveness which is linked to the other strategic plans in use at the college. This plan should include the methods by which faculty and staff will receive professional development training in the use of instructional and institutional technology (standard III.C.1)"
Chenoweth then reminded the team that the accreditation committee would be reviewing the College’s progress on integrating the tech plan and passed out a handout from the accreditation document. Standard III: Resources. Section C Technology Resources. He suggested that the following two areas need addressing: 1.b. "The institution provides quality training in the effective application of its information technology to students and personnel." and 2. "Technology planning is integrated with institutional planning. The institution systematically assesses the effective use of technology resources and uses the results of evaluation as the basis for improvement."
Chenoweth suggested the team adopt formulating a recommendation to give to College Council on these two areas as the goals for 09-10.
The team discussed this item at length and decided to split into volunteer sub-groups to address the areas separately. Section1.b. volunteers were Shannakian, Owiesny and Hernandez. Englen was not present by was recommended. Section 2. volunteers were Mowrey & Chenoweth.
The team then reviewed item 2) from the notes on March 5, 2008 with the agenda topic Create sub committees to develop initiatives in Technology Training, Process/Policy and Feedback. It was decided to bring this item back for review at a later meeting.
Chenoweth asked the team for other goals for the year. Ideas from the group included:
- Technology training. The previous tech trainer was funded from the general fund
- Does anyone have a fund for technology initiatives on campus? There was some one-time money in Strategic Planning
- Need for a venue to discuss spending Measure C technology funding
- Funding and governance sections are still unclear within the accreditation document
- Work toward a process for technology planning
3) Proposal to Add Wireless to Campus Center Conf Rooms & Lower Level
Kahn supplied background on this project and commented that the wireless was predominantly for the students and therefore should be in the areas where most students congregate. Kahn recommended that wireless be installed in the lower level of the campus center, the conference rooms and at the La Voz offices. He asked the team to support his suggestion.
In a spirited discussion the following points and/or questions were raised:
- The deans would review this item at their weekly meeting
- Why doesn’t the campus have blanket campus wide wireless for students?
- There are no access points in many areas of campus
- Luciw explained the legal (COLEA) and security aspects of the De Anza College wireless network
- FHDA is declared a private network
- Some areas of campus are exempt from the COLEA law
- Some time ago there was a discussion on bringing in third party wireless but it was cost prohibitive
- ATC is only scheduled to get wireless after the renovations - summer 2013
- L quad doesn’t have wireless pathways
- State law does not allow FHDA to charge a fee for technology
- Some ports are blocked to students. Only student related activities are allowed on the wireless network
It was agreed that Rosenberg and Mowrey would take the aforementioned recommendation to the Deans' meeting and ask the Deans put this request at the top of the wireless prioritization list.
Present: Chenoweth, Creamer, Dolen, Grobman, Hernandez, Kahn, Luciw, Mitchell, Mowrey, Owiesny, Rosenberg, Shannakian, DASB: Omar Ali, Khalid Ali, Watson Huynh.