Meetings Rescheduled To Thursdays
Hi Team,
Sorry to be the bearer of annoying news, but we will have to change the day TTF meets. As you remember from last year, Letha had district meetings on Wednesday that conflicted with TTF. This year those same meeting will also conflict.
As Letha is one of the tri-chairs, it's important for her to attend as many meetings as possible so the tri-chairs have agreed to reschedule the meeting.
It's pretty tricky to find a day and time that suits everyone but according to meetingmaker the best time for the majority seems to be the first Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in ADM 109.
If the first Thursday falls during a break we will meet on the third Thursday of the month.
Please see the calendar for the specifics.
Again our apologies for the need to change the calendar, but we hope to see you there.
Pippa for
Letha Jeanpierre
Kevin Metcalf
Byron Lilly