Mission Statement - De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities: to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitude contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical /mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking. -Adopted Spring 2010
February 2, 2012 Agenda
Location: ADM 109
Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Time | Agenda Topic | Purpose | Discussion Leader |
Outcome |
1:30-1:35 | Approval Of Notes December 1, 2011 | A | Jeanpierre/Lilly/Metcalf | Approve the notes |
1:35-1:50 |
UC Berkeley Selects Google Apps As Their Primary Email/Calendar Solution |
I | Rosenberg | Information sharing |
1:50-2:05 | De Anza Web Report | I | Kahn | Information sharing |
2:05-2:20 | FF&E Status Update | I | Jeanpierre/Lilly/Metcalf | Information sharing |
2:20-2:30 | Quick News | I | All | Information sharing |
A = Action D = Discussion I = Information
To: Tech Task Force Participants:
Given that our District is considering a new electronic/mail system, I thought the
following article/information might be useful.
The information is from the UC Berkeley website, and announces the University's
selection of Google Apps for use as their primary email/calendar solution. What is
especially interesting is the link to their assessment matrix used in determining
their final selection and the FAQ that summarizes many common questions. I thought
this information might be helpful in guiding our process/decision.
Jerry Rosenberg
Campus Selects Google as New Email and Calendar Solution
BREAKING NEWS! After several months of detailed evaluation as part of the OE Productivity Suite project, and following on the recent CalMail outage, the campus has completed the selection process for a new campus calendar and email platform. We are pleased to announce that today we have signed a contract to provide our community with the full Google Apps for Education Suite. This solution will enable the campus to migrate all students, faculty, and staff to the new service during 2012. We will have more details available during January so check back to this site regularly for the latest information.
- Google Apps for Education selected as new calendar and email platform.
- Entire campus community — students, faculty, and staff — will be moved during calendar year 2012.
- We will remain on CalMail and CalAgenda pending that migration.
- More details and timeline to be published by end of January 2012.
- The new Microsoft Campus Site License for Software agreement is moving forward and is not affected by this decision.
Additional information
Bradley created a web report using Google analytics. It tells us some key things, such as how many people connect to our De Anza site, what kind of device they use (computer, tablet, phone) and what kind of search words are used most often. Letha felt that this information would make an ideal presentation for the TTF. Marty Kahn