About Me

Interactive on-line learning. It's easy!

Classes I Teach

No Classes this quarter.

If you are enrolled in the on-line CIS 4, Computer Literacy course (or want to enroll), visit the Computer Literacy - CIS 4 page where you can download the syllabus which will give you step-by-step directions on how to Enter Your On-Line Course as well as essential information about the course requirements and materials.

If you are enrolled in the on-line CIS 99, Office Software course (or want to enroll), visit the Office Software - CIS 99 page where you can download the syllabus which will give you step-by-step directions on how to Enter Your On-Line Course as well as essential information about the course requirements and materials.

The best way to reach me is by e-mail: westlinda@deanza.edu

Faculty Info

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Linda West
Part-Time Faculty

Computer Information Systems




Office Hours

Fall Quarter 2018

By appointment.

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