Literature and Composition, EWRT-001C-61 (#2997)

Encountering the Other/Confronting the Self

De Anza College, Spring 2008

Days and Time: M/W 6:00-8:10

Room: L-35

Prerequisites: English Writing 1B


Instructor: Ken Weisner

Office hrs:  FORUM 2C: Mondays, 5:00-6:00; Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45 (and by appt.);

Wednesdays (8:10-9:00); Thursdays, 12:30-1:30.

Office Phone: 864-5797




Course Goals:

� Read poetry, fiction, and drama with pleasure and analytical passion

� Show increasing confidence within the critical discourses of each genre

� Interpret texts using clearly defined critical methods

� Write papers that consider social and historical contexts

� Take into account personal as well as analytical relation to course texts

� Participate in a diverse community of critical readers

� Pull into sharper focus your critical understanding

� Discover writers you will want to read more of on your own

� Experience concretely our own regional literary culture


Course Requirements:

  Keep up with reading as indicated in course schedule.

  Bring course text and writing supplies to class every day.

  Be in class and participate fully in class discussions & activities.

  Write four papers due 5/5, 5/23, 6/11, and 6/23.

  Bring three rough drafts to class for peer review 4/30, 5/21, 6/9, 6/18.

  Sign up for one in-class group presentation.

  Final exam; see special time (Wed, 6/25,6:15-8:15).


Course Texts:

  Booth, Hunter, and Mays, eds. The Norton Introduction to Literature.

Shorter 9th Edition.  W.W. Norton, New York, 2006.


**Special Opportunities (optional, see supplement handout):

1) Help interview Brian Turner at WRC (ATC 102) for publication in Red Wheelbarrow Magazine this spring, 2008. The interview will take place Friday, April 11th, at the end of the first week of spring quarter. You can sign up for a unit of Red Wheelbarrow class for spring quarter and thereby get additional credit and recognition for your work preparing the interview for publication. 10 points just for attending the event and doing a one page write up.

2) Tentative� Marilyn Chin class visit, May 7th.  Maybe a potluck?

2) Attend other De Anza LitFest readings and events May 5-8 on campus.


3) Other Extra Credit Opportunities:

1) Cross Cultural Partners (20 points) with 2 page summary report as assigned.

2) Perfect attendance (20 points)--or, only one absence (10 points).

3) One page write-up on your favorite LitFest event (10 points)

4) Also: I will give seven quizzes/homeworks but will throw out your lowest score.



Attendance and participation                                                                                                       200

Four 4-6 page papers (100 points each)                                                                             400

Four rough drafts for peer review (20 each)                                                                80

Final Exam                                                                                                                                                        100

Seven quizzes/homeworks (20 each�throw out lowest)                               120

One group presentation                                                                                                                    100                          

Total                                                                                                                                                     1,000



920-1000  "A"                  900-919  "A-"                   880-899  "B+"

820-879    "B"                   800-819  "B-"                    780-799  "C+"

700-779    "C"                  600-699  "D"                     0-599     " F"


Attendance Policy:

See "extra credit" policy for rewards for excellent attendance. With more than three absences, you risk your ability to pass the class.  Missing more than ten minutes of class means not getting full attendance credit for that day. Cell phones off absolutely unless you are expecting an emergency call; then please let the instructor know you are leaving it on.  Call or e-mail instructor (5797 or if you will be unable to attend a class or are having trouble of any kind related to your success in this class.  Always feel invited to visit during office hours or to make a special appointment.


Plagiarism (passing off the words or ideas of others as your own): will give you an automatic "F" on the assignment in question and put your course grade in immediate jeopardy.  Your name will have to be reported to campus officials. If you use the ideas or words of others, you must give them credit right away, in writing�a simple, sensible, useful, elegant, and vital prime directive. See your instructor if you want to make sure you are correctly and appropriately crediting any sources you use.  Please consult pp. 1716-1726 of your Norton text to remind yourself of basic conventions for evaluating, introducing, and citing outside sources.

EWRT 1C Tentative Schedule

                  **Texts with double asterisks we will be unlikely to have time to discuss in depth in class

                                                      but you may wish to write about them.   �P� indicates a presentation day.


April 7                                    Introductory session (Lydia Hearn)


April 9                                    Poetry of Brian Turner


April 11                                 *Special Event: Author Interview, 12:30, WRC (ATC 309)


April 14                                 Get books by today.

                                                      Jamaica Kincaid, "Girl" (456)

                                                      Kate Chopin, "The Story of an Hour" (449)


April 16                                 Edwidge Danticat, "A Wall of Fire Rising" (252)

                                                      Ha Jin, "In Broad Daylight" (564)


April 21                                 Ann Beattie, "Janus" (248)

Raymond Carver, "Cathedral" (20)

                                                      Paper #1 topic available today


April 23                                 Jhumpa Lahiri, "Interpreter of Maladies" (284)

Introduce the poetry of Marilyn Chin


April 28                                 Alice Munro, "Boys and Girls" (422)

Michael Chabon, "The Lost World" (437)


April 30                                Paper #1 due in draft form today


May 5                                     LitFest Week

                                                      *Paper #1 due today.

Poetry of Al Young, Regie Cabico

Prepare to interview Marilyn Chin                  (P)


May 6                                     Al Young today, 12:30 (optional, LitFest)


May 7th                                  Wednesday night (tentative): author interview, Marilyn Chin

                                                      (Regie Cabico workshop today, optional 2:00, WRC)


May 8th                                  Regie Cabico performance (optional)


May 12                                  Flannery O�Connor: "A Good Man is Hard to Find" (364)  (P)

"Everything That Rises Must Converge" (410)


May 14                                  Flannery O�Connor:  "The Lame Shall Enter First" (375)

                                                      Paper Topics Available: paper #2


May 19th                               James Baldwin, "Sonny's Blues" (88)              (P)


May 21                                  James Baldwin, "Sonny's Blues" (88)

Draft of Paper #2 due in class today


May 26                                  Memorial Day Holiday


May 28                                  Tennessee Williams, "Streetcar Named Desire"  (1140)

                                                                        Paper #2 due in final form today


June 2                                     Tennessee Williams, "Streetcar Named Desire"  (1140)                     (P)


June 4                                     August Wilson, The Piano Lesson (1205)


June 9                                     August Wilson, The Piano Lesson (1205)                       (P)

                                                                        Paper # 3 topics available today


June 11                                  Rough Drafts due, paper  #3

Selected lyrics from among:  

W.B. Yeats, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" (1020)

John Keats, "Sonnet to Sleep" (841)

Galway Kinnell, "Blackberry Eating" (995)

Wilfred Owen, "Dulce et Decorum Est" (823)

Audre Lorde, "Hanging Fire" (650)

Robert Hayden, "Those Winter Sundays" (633)

Sharon Olds, "The Victims" (764)

Sharon Olds, "Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941" (717)

Marie Howe, "Practicing" (826)

Richard Lovelace, "Song to Lucasta, Going to Wars"(827)

Derek Walcott, "Midsummer" (679)

Gwendolyn Brooks, "First Fight. Then Fiddle." (784)


June 16                                  Final draft of paper #3 due today.

                                                      Continue poetry discussions

                                                      Paper Topic #4 available today.


June 18                                  Poetry, continued.     (P)

                                      Poetry of Jimmy Santiago Baca, Lucille Clifton, Janice Mirikitani (Reader)


June 23                                  Poetry (see above), continued.

Discuss final exam today.

                                                      Draft of paper #4 due today.


June 25                                  Paper #4 Due Today

Final Exam, 6:15-8:15 �(please note special time)


Last Updated: 7/31/23