Intermediate Algebra Book, Blitzer 7th ed
Math 212 and Math 114 Students:
Textbook: Blitzer Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 7th edition
Here are some important factors to consider when making decisions about buying your textbook for this course:
* Some Math 212 and Math 114 instructors require the use of MyLabMath software along with the textbook Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 7th ed, by Blitzer. At this time, I will use the MyLabMath material for the assignments in this class.
*The De Anza bookstore offers very competitive pricing for new books that include MyLabMath access codes at no extra cost. The bookstore current policy is that they will buy back books at the end of the quarter. They also sell used books without access codes for the software.
* If your class is using MyLabMath for Math 212 or Math 114: the access code is included with a new textbook if purchased at our bookstore. The bookstore also sells MyLabMath access codes that include MyLabMath access and an e-book, if you prefer using the e-book rather than a print book.
* If your Math 212 class is not using MyLabMath: be aware that it is possible that you will need to use MyLabMath when you move on to Math 114 (or if you do not complete this course and need to repeat it). If you buy a new book with a code at the college bookstore for this course, you might avoid having to purchase a code separately later.
Codes purchased separately in the bookstore or online are not inexpensive, constituting a significant extra cost if you already own the print textbook without a code.
*Books purchased elsewhere might not have codes included
We recommend that you consider purchasing the textbook at the bookstore with the free MyLabMath code included. Because of the special pricing publishers are giving our bookstore, prices for books from other sources may not be better than those at the De Anza College bookstore. There are many options for purchasing your textbook. When comparing prices elsewhere, consider whether the book includes an access code, or whether buying a code will be an extra cost. Whatever you decide, being aware of the points listed above may help you make informed decisions when deciding where and how to purchase your math textbook this quarter.
You can check prices at the De Anza bookstore for the print textbook with a MyLabMath code included or for a MyLabMath code with the e-book at the De Anza bookstore. Access codes purchased at the bookstore vs. online at the software website may vary in price.
In Spring 2012, the price of an access codes at the bookstore are generally slightly lower than purchasing a similar access code online; however students should check on their own to confirm price differences if purchasing a code separately from your book.
Again, I will be using MyLabMath for this course.