CD54 Green Sheet (Chinese)
CD-54-61L: Curriculum for Early Childhood Programs
Instructor: Dr. Li Wei Sun E-Mail: Tel:(408)864-5329
Quarter: Spring 2012 Class Hours: Fri. 6:30PM-9:20 Room: CD1-10
Office Hours: Fri. 6:00PM-6:30 9:20PM-9:50 Office: CD2-21d
Course Description:
Curriculum development with emphasis on planning curriculum which is emergent, developmentally and individually appropriate and inclusive.
Prerequisites:Prerequisites: Child Development 10G or concurrent enrollment. Advisory: English Writing 211 and Reading 211 (or Language Arts 211), or English as a Second Language 272 and 273.
Required Text:
1. Jackman, Hilda L. 4th Edition (2009) Early Education Curriculum. New York:
Thomson Delmar Learning.
2. Handouts and Study Guide, Li Wei Sun
Method of Presentation:
Presentation will be through lecture, discussion, individual and group activities and other media audio/visual aids.
Class Requirements:
- Students are expected to arrive on time, participate in class discussions and remain for the entire class. Role is taken promptly at 6:30pm. When instructor calls the student’s name, if the student does not respond, instructor will show the student as being absent. If a student arrives late, please sit down quietly at the back row. It is the student’s responsibility to speak to the instructor at the end of that same class period and ask the instructor to change “absent” into a “tardy”. The instructor can change this only that same day, not in the future. Students are responsible to keep track of their absences and tardiness.
- Instructor may drop a student with 3 absences. Three tardiness equal one absence. It is the student’s responsibility to process a DROP form. If the student simply stops attending class, the student will get an “F”.
- Students are required to turn OFF cell phones during class time. If a student wants to say something during lecture, please get the instructor’s attention first (raise hand or say “question”), then speak out. If a student needs to tell the instructor something important regarding his/her class status, please give it to the instructor in writing and talk to the instructor during office hours. A student who is disruptive or is disregarding rules, such as talking, passing notes, doing homework or outside work, wearing headphones, verbal abuse, threats and etc. will be asked to leave classroom. The student must submit a request in writing asking to be re-admitted and may not re-enter without instructor’s permission. The student will be counted as absent until re-entered. Any second incident will result in the student being dropped from class with an “F”. The student who refuses to leave the room will be dropped from the class with an “F” and reported to school authorities for further action.
- Each student gets one folder from the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility
to keep all the graded work in the folder and clearly record the points of each graded work until the end of the quarter. Do not put any ungraded assignment in the folder.
All assignments must be typed, double space, in 12-point font and stapled together, and otherwise points will be deducted from the paper. Late assignments will have 5 points deducted from assignments. These assignments must be handed to the instructor no later than one week after it is due. Do not put any assignment in the instructor’s mailbox. E-mail assignments will not be accepted.
1. Observation: (20 points.) You will be required to do a naturalistic observation as a basis for a class exercise and assignment to discover the relationship between observation and emergent curriculum.
2. Emergent Curriculum Report: (80 points.)
This is a group activity including a written report and in-class presentation.
Plagiarism is to steal or pass on the ideas or words of another as one’s own and includes the use without crediting the source. It will not be tolerated. Such action will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures set forth in the college catalog.
Mid-Term Exam (50 points) and Final Exam (50 points): Questions on major
concepts presented. (a study guide will be provided.)
Extra points will be given to student attending a study group at least once a week. Students will form a study group to meet at least 45 minutes every week. In this weekly meeting students will study the text, share child development information, discuss assignments and prepare for quizzes.
Course Grading:
- Two written assignments 100 points
- Two examinations 100 points
Total 200 points
Grade Scale:
Letter Grade | Scale | Points |
A+ | 4 | 192 |
A | 4 | 186-191 |
A- | 3.7 | 180-185 |
B+ | 3.3 | 176-181 |
B | 3 | 166-175 |
B- | 2.7 | 160-165 |
C+ | 2.3 | 156-159 |
C | 2 | 140-155 |
D+ | 1.3 | 136-139 |
D | 1.0 | 125-135 |
D- | .7 | 120-124 |
F | 0 | Falling below 120 points |
Services for Disabled Students:
Disabled Students Services (DSS) is available on campus. It provides special registration for Adaptive P. E., personal counseling, academic and vocational advisement and equipment loans. It also can help provide note-takers, assistance to and from class, and mobility training for students with blindness. For more information call 864-8753.
Important Dates:
4/21 Last day to drop for a refund
6/1 Last day to drop with a “w”
Class Schedule
4/13 Introduction & Chapter1
Learning Theories of ECE; Meeting the Needs of Individual Children
4/20 Chapter1 & Chapter2
Process of Curriculum Development; Curriculum Models
Sing-up Study Group and Presentation Group
4/27 Chapter 4- Literature
Due:Assignment 1-Naturalistic Observation
5/4 Chapter5- Math
5/11 Chapter 8- Art Literature Presentation
5/18 Discussion and Mid-Term
5/25 Chapter 10-Music/Movement Math Presentation
6/1 Chapter 6- Science Art Presentation
6/8 Science Presentation Music/Movement Presentation
6/15 Discussion of Final Presentation
6/27 Final Examination: Wed., 6:30pm-7:30
The written report for each group is due one week after the presentation.