Final Presentation Instructions

CD 50

ORAL PRESENTATION- Final Group Project

Your final project presentation is worth 40 points. It is important that you put your time and effort into producing a high-quality final project. You will first form a group with 4 to 5 other students. You will together create an ideal early childhood program and develop an oral presentation to clearly introduce your program to the whole class. All members in the same group will plan, develop, and implement the project through a shared decision-making process. All members have to participate in the final oral presentation. You will have 15 minutes for your presentation.

  1. Your presentation will answer the following questions:
    1. How would you name your program? Explain the philosophy and values or guiding principles.
    2. What is the curriculum approach you would use. Why?
    3. What would be the role of the staff?
    4. How would all the staff members work with one another?
    5. How would you include and work with families?
    6. How would you set up the physical environment? Develop a sketch.
    7. What aspects would you consider in creating a nurturing social emotional-environment?
    8. What activities would you offer to develop young children in language, math and science, art, music and social studies? Be specific.
    9. How would you include the community?
  2. Use visual aids:
    Use visual aids such as posters, photos, environmental design, an example of a daily routine or schedule, examples of educational material, power point presentation, video material or other.
  3. Choose a format:
    Find a format to present your program in the most effective way. You may want to choose one of the following formats:
    1. A panel presentation
    2. A game involving the whole class
    3. A Power Point presentation
    4. A video
    5. An interview
  4. Evaluation: The presentation will include both instructor’s and students’ evaluation.
    1. Instructor’s evaluation- The following criteria will be examined:
      1. Content of the presentation
      2. Organization of the presentation
      3. Clarity of the presentation
      4. Use of visual aids; variety
    2. Students’ evaluation- see attached forms
  5. Suggestions:
    1. Decide among your group who will be responsible for doing what task. When you collaborate on a project, it is important that each member commit to following through on his or her responsibilities so that the other members of the group are not left hanging.
    2. Decide how much time each group member will need to gather his or her resources together, and then plan a schedule for meeting and rehearsals so that the presentation comes off as a polished product.
    3. Do your final rehearsal in front of friends so that you can get some feedback as to whether or not the main focus is clear as well as feedback on how clear each presenter is when speaking and presenting his/her points. The principles of organization for your group presentation are similar to those used in essay writing: an introduction with the main point clearly stated, support for that main point during the developing phases of the presentation, and a conclusion that brings your audiences back to the main point being made.
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