CD 53 Class Guidelines

PARTICIPATION: 20 possible points
Attendance and participation in class is essential for success in this class. Participation in all activities planned for each class is critical for a full understanding of the material in your Syllabus and text. Participation includes arriving on time, actively participating in creative activities, class discussions, and remaining for the entire class including clean-up. If there are circumstances that require you to be out for more than on class session, please call the instructor. Students with more than two unexcused absences may be dropped or receive a failing grade.
NOTEBOOK: 60 - 120 possible points for completed notebooks 
Your class project is to create a notebook of all the activities presented in class this quarter by both the instructor and other students. Each class session will demonstrate at least five different activities for you to experience and record. . See the "Guidelines for Notebooks" handout for specific information on how to set up your notebook. All notebooks must be handed in by week 11. Points for the completed project will be based on the criteria listed in the guideline.
ACTIVITY: 25 possible points for classroom activity presented
Each student must sign up to present one activity in class. The student is expected to supply and set up a creative arts activity for classmates to experience. A written description of materials and procedures is also required. (Please duplicate enough for all members of the class)
ASSIGNMENTS: 3 assignments @ 25 possible points each = 75 points
There are three required assignments for this class.
1. On Feeling Creative: Written description of your creative process
2. Children's art analysis: Collected art samples with written analysis and justification
3. On Aesthetics: Bring an object plus a written description of what you find beautiful. Assignments should be done when required, according to your green sheet and turned in on the stated dates. Completion of all assignments is required for sufficient points to pass the class. Late assignments may be marked down 5 points.
OBSERVATIONS: 2 observations @ 30 possible points each = 60 points
There are two required observations.  
1. Written observation of a child doing a painting at an easel.
2. Written observation of two different teachers supervising art activities.
You are responsible for completing both of them. You will need to make arrangements with a program to do these observations. Detailed descriptions of what is required are in your syllabus. Due dates are listed on your green sheet.
EXAM: 120 possible points 
The only exam will be a final. It will be an open-book/notes final. Fill-in, true and false, multiple choice and essay combination.
GRADE SYSTEM: Maximum possible points: 420
420 - 378 A
377 - 336 B
335 - 294 C
293 - 252 D
251 & below F

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