HIST 9: Women in American History
Fall 2014
I will be using Course Studio in MyPortal to distribute course materials.
To access the course information, you must be registered for the class section listed below.
CRN: 00000
Schedule ID: ABCD-123.-01
Location: RM00
Dates/Days: Monday, Wednesday
Time: 12:30 PM-02:20 PM
How to Navigate to Course Studio for this Class
- LOG IN to MyPortal.
- CLICK on the Students Tab.
- FIND My Courses Links to . . . CLICK on Go to My Courses and Instructor Email
- SELECT Course Schedule for 2013 Spring De Anza(PLEASE EDIT TERM)
- CLICK Women in American History
How to Use Course Studio
If an instructor has activated Course Studio, as I have, you should see the Course Homepage for this class, with a set of links on the left column, depending on which applications an instructor has chosen to use.
You'll click on a link to access that type of information or application.
- Announcements
- News
- Photos
- Links
- Files
- Message Board
About Announcements
I will make announcements in class when I post materials, as well as sending emails and/or announcement messages inside MyPortal.
- Course Studio announcements can be seen by clicking on the My Courses link for this class.
- New announcements will also appear as Messages inside MyPortal on the Home Tab, only visible to students registered in the class.
For Students: Troubleshooting Error Messages inside Course Studio
- Do you see this message when you first click on the MyCourses link for a class — Course Communication (Web-Based) Tool Not Linked? That page is the default if an instructor has NOT activated Course Studio for a class. Wait for the first day of class to find out. It may be that your instructor will use a different way to distribute materials and communicate online.
- If your instructor is using Course Studio during a quarter and it suddenly is no longer accessible (you get that same default message), please alert your instructor of the change so that s/he can report the problem to the appropriate office and Course Studio may be restored for your class.
- If your instructor has activated course studio but YOU cannot access it, please alert your instructor so that s/he may report the problem to the appropriate office for troubleshooting.