
Checklist For Planning Accommodations

Before the quarter begins

  • Meet with a DSS Counselor or LD Specialist (or Counselor in the college's Counseling Center, if necessary) to plan your class schedule.
  • Register for classes.
  • Inform your Department of Rehabilitation counselor by providing:
    • copy of class schedule
    • fees owed
    • books and supplies needed
  • Discuss your past educational history and accommodations with your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist in the following areas or other accommodations you need:
    • note taking
    • exams
    • communication needs
    • alternate media
    • instructor referral options
  • Meet your class instructor in advance of the quarter if possible
    • Discuss accommodations
    • Gather the following class materials:
      • book and materials list
      • class syllabus
      • course handouts
      • exam schedule and format
      • information about field trips or other special assignments
  • Turn in accommodation requests to the appropriate DSS staff in a timely manner
    • alternate media requests
    • shuttle schedule requests
    • interpreter, real-time captioning requests, etc. to appropriate staff

Soon after the quarter begins

  • Meet your instructor to discuss your accommodations
  • Confirm accommodation arrangements with your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist and/or discuss additional accommodations needs
  • Turn in any required accommodation/service documentation promptly to DSS
  • Schedule exam accommodations with the Testing Coordinator, if you use test accommodations

Throughout the quarter

  • Monitor your progress in the class
    • meet with the instructor, as needed
    • monitor the effectiveness of your accommodations
  • Stay in touch with your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist, as needed, especially if issues arise in your accommodations or your class progress and success
  • Utilize additional support services, counseling, and tutoring,  if needed

Foothill/De Anza Community College District Student Code of Conduct

Administrative Policy 5510

Foothill and De Anza Colleges consider the following principles essential to their
educational mission and community life:

  1. Mutual respect between students, faculty and staff;
  2. Pursuit of studies with honesty and integrity;
  3. Respect for College and personal property; and
  4. Compliance with all rules and regulations.

These standards are intended to promote responsible student conduct and fair play.  Students shall be subject to College discipline (as outlined in Administrative Procedure 5520:  Student  Due Process and Discipline) for any of the following misconduct that occurs at any time on campus or at any off campus facility, including internet-based courses held on the world- wide web, or college-approved or sponsored functions:

  1. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism (including plagiarism included in student publications), or knowingly furnishing false information to the Colleges, or District;
  2. Unauthorized preparation, giving, selling, transfer, distribution or publication, for any commercial purpose, of any contemporaneous recording of an academic  presentation in a classroom or equivalent site of instruction, including but not  limited to handwritten or typewritten class notes, except as permitted by any district policy or administrative procedure;
  3. Dishonesty, forgery, alteration, or misuse of College or District documents, records or identification; 
  4. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other College or District activities, including its public service functions, or of other authorized activities; 
  5. Physical or verbal abuse of any person or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such person; 
  6. Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion; 
  7. Causing or attempting to cause damage to College or District property or to private property on campus;
  8. Stealing or attempting to steal College or District property or private property on Campus, or knowingly receiving stolen College or District property or private property on campus;
  9. Willful misconduct that results in injury or death to a student or to College or District personnel or which results in cutting, defacing, or other injury to any real or personal property owned by the College or District or on the campus; 
  10. Unauthorized entry to or use of College or District facilities; 
  11. Violation of College or District policies or of campus regulations including those concerning registration of student organizations, use of College or District facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression; 
  12. Unlawful possession, use, sale, offer to sell, or furnishing or being under the influence of, any controlled substance as listed in California Health and Safety Code Section 11053 et seq., an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind; or unlawful possession of, or offering, arranging or negotiating the sale of any drug paraphernalia, as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 11014.5;
  13. Use, possession, or sale of any firearm, knife, explosive, or other object that could be classified as a weapon (unless the student has specific authorization from a College or District official); 
  14. Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of authority, or persistent abuse of College or District personnel;
  15. Gambling on College or District property; 
  16. Hazing or any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces or tends to injure, degrade, or disgrace any fellow student or other persons; 
  17. Disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent or obscene behavior, conduct or expression on District-owned or controlled property, or at District sponsored or supervised functions;
  18. Willful or persistent smoking in any area where smoking has been prohibited by law or by regulation of the College or District; 
  19. Theft or abuse of computer time, including but not limited to:
    a. unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read or change the contents or for any other purpose;
    b. unauthorized transfer of a file;
    c. unauthorized use of another persons identification and password;
    d. use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or college official;
    e. use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive messages, or to defame or intentionally harm other persons;
    f. use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the college computing system;
    g. use of computing facilities for student's personal benefit;
  20. Committing sexual harassment as defined by law or as set forth in Board Policy 4640;
  21. Engaging in harassing or discriminatory behavior based on race, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, or any other status protected by law. 
  22. Engaging in expression which is obscene, libelous or slanderous, or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on College or District premises, or the violation of lawful College or District regulations, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the College or District.
  23. Persistent, serious misconduct where other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct.

See Board Policy 5500—Student Rights and Responsibilities
See Administrative Policy 5520—Student Due Process & Discipline
Effective 1/20/06

Return to DISH Table of Contents

DISH Table of Contents

- (Quick Links)

Section One: Coming to De Anza College

Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

General / College-Wide Accommodations and Services

Instructional / Classroom Accommodations and Services:

Alternate Media Services:

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services:

Legal Aspects

Concerns and Complaints

Section Three: Disability Support Programs & Services Instruction

Section Four: Success Strategies

Section Five: Campus and Community Life

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